

Born: Uyear 818

Height: 1.3 meters

Weight: 60 kilograms

Race: Mutant Rabbit

Crew Title: Surf Trip Coordinator, Grunt

Occupation: Former Mutant Worlds Surf Tour Singles and Doubles Champion, Helping his twin do stuff

Characteristics: Opposite of his twin in some of his behaviors, Mike is always smiling and cracking jokes and upbeat. None of the crew can match his absolute obsession with surfing, and everyone knew if he was in an Algorean body - he would surf better than the Captain. Prone to exaggeration, constantly interjecting over his brother’s sermons, Mike could be only slightly less annoying than Blob, at times. Although he never valued education the way his twin did, his genetically-modified brain allowed him to soak up knowledge from Claude, as he followed him around from job to job. Without Mike on the crew, the galactic surf safari would lose steam, and piddle out, like all waves eventually did. His passion keeps them going.